
(for Amadou Diallo)
"...then teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom..." Psalm 90, verse 12.

Katiadou Diallo rides to the capitol and walks the city of white buildings.
She is counting the days of the life her son will never know.
She wants an accounting.

There is counting in the streets of New York City,
where thousands march chanting numbers 
38, 39, 40, 41.

In Pittsburgh SWAT teams go door to door hunting a man who shoots people
with white skin.  1,2,3,4,5.  He moves to rhythms of frustration and rage.
He is counting.

There is counting in the streets of my town,
where some of us stand at the traffic light,
holding signs that read Justice for Amadou.

Some folks roll down their windows, screaming  curses,
others drive by honking support, again and again.
Who can count?

What are we counting
when there is no accounting?
The bodies or the bullets,

or shall we count the days until justice
rains down?   Then teach us
to number our days.

Gail Golden

Send comments to peacepoet at aol dot com